reasons not to go to church

“That’s not really my style.”

“I’ve been hurt by the church.”

“It isn’t like I don’t hang out with other Christians.”

“It’s my only day to sleep in.”

“I don’t have to be in that building to worship God.”

“Church people don’t ‘get’ me/judge me.”

We hear this stuff all the time; reasons why we don’t go to church. The funny thing is, I could say all the same things.

There are things about church that are not really my style. Large groups of people are not my style (I’m an introvert) nor giving money (I’m a miser) nor shaking hands (I’m a germophobe) nor getting up early (I love to sleep.)

I have been hurt by the church too. Or rather, by people who were at church. There was the girl in 5th grade who taunted me about my children’s Bible. There was the girl at VBS that told my friend she couldn’t sit at their table during craft time because she was too fat. There was the girl in jr. high Sunday School who said that she liked my shirt and, after I thanked her, burst out laughing. That stuff hurts. But those mean girls are not “the church.” They are individuals who did stupid stuff when they were young. And yes, the church is made up of a bunch of hypocrites, just like the rest of the world. Jesus’ bride is a dirty, sinful human population. We hurt each other. But that does not mean that there aren’t also people at church who want to be different. That does not mean that you can’t have a positive influence. That doesn’t mean that we don’t also love.

(Note: if a particular congregation has intentionally hurt you or done something that left you very unsettled, find a different place of worship. If there’s not a good church in your area, you probably need to move to another area or start one yourself. It’s that important.)

I hang out with Christians all week long. I live with my Christian family, work for Christian people, lead Bible studies, work in the church nursery, attend Bible studies. Do I really need to go to church? (Though, funny thing is, the people who usually use this excuse have avoided Bible studies and all other forms of organized worship and fellowship, not just a ‘church service’.)

I like to sleep in too. I agree that the building is not a magical place where God suddenly hears our prayers and appreciates our songs. We can worship absolutely anywhere. That’s not the point. I agree that we “church people” can be judgmental. Emphasis on people.

We can all make excuses. It isn’t as if I wake up on Sunday morning and think, “Gee, is there any way I can get out of this? Guess not.” It isn’t jury duty. I actually choose to go. So if we can all make excuses, why do those of us who go, go?

{to be continued}



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  1. […] ol’ me on “Reaons Not to Go to Church”, “Reasons to Go to Church” and “Vintage […]


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